Michael Young History/"My cool young history" (AKA "the Cool") – A young kid with no father, a mother, & a young sister. No father figure in his life has caused him to fall to temptations in life in order to be accpeted & in order to be "cool". He is pictured as having a right hand of all bones, right hand meaning he has lost his righteousness. Michael Young History is 1s
t recognized in He Say, She Say and ends in The Cool.
The Streets – A woman personified as temptation & deception. The streets is a charector who is married to "The Game". She is represented as having a locket, with the key who she only hands out to a few. This key represents "The key to the streets." AKA – Money, fame, popularity.
The Game – Married to the Streets. The Game is a character personified as the hustlers game, the pimps game, etc. He is the skill & the brain behind certain "cool success". He is designed as a skull head, with dice eyes, & inhales/exhales crack smoke.
A pic. of all 3 below from "The cool" Album art.

The Cool" is played by Kadeem Hardison.
Plot -
Michael Young History (aka "The Cool") grows up with a tough life. He is abandoned by his father at a young age & struggles with life & school. The fact he has no father in his life is what hurts the most, despite having a young sister who cares for him & a hard working mother. Fed up with the struggles he is going through in life, he turns to "The Streets" & "The Game." The streets is personified as the lure & deception that is what the streets are, while her husband, the Game, personifies what is a hustle & a job. Such as, a pimps game, a hustlers game, an entrepreneurs game. In this case, The Game is the brain behind drug dealing. Both of these charectors take the place of guidance in Michael Young Historys life & he is now a drug dealer.
Over time, The Cool & The streets begin a love connection. She has a key to her, which is a key to the streets. The fortune, the fame, the glamour… The "Cool". She has given the key to some in the past, but gives it to him now.
Amongst all this success that The Streets & The Game have brought to The Cool, he once again goes through trouble.
The Game & The Cool are coming back from a club one night & stop so The Game can use the bathroom. While The cool is in the car (listening to the song The Cool), He is shot & killed.
It’s never revealed who killed The Cool. But, with the love affair going on between The Cool & The Streets, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was The Game. Especially since the song following The Cools death (The Die) is Put You on Game.
Michael Young History then is later buried & breaks free in The Cool. He journeys back (with a right hand of just bones because he has lost all righteousness) & goes back to where he was shot. The reason he is not dead in the 1st place & the reaosn for his quote at the ending of the song The Cool is basically because he was rejected by Heaven & to bad for Hell.
Songs for reference
- Real recognize real( The introduction of "the streets and "The Game.)
- He say She say( The cool’s childhood)"He’s starting to harbor cool and food for thought"
- Put You on Game(self explanatory)<—-unintentional double Entendre on my part
- The die(The Game And The Cool’s convo before the death of The Cool)
- The Cool (The Cool’s ressurection)
- The Coolest (The Cool and The Streets relationship)
I also believe "Streets on Fire" has something to do with the story, but that song is also A story within itself. "The Cool" and "The streets" also appear in the "Superstar" video more than once.