Venture into the mind of an abstract writer.

Some time's one listens to music for therapeutic reasons. Like myself, sometimes it helps me almost escape from reality. Have you ever felt like this? Lyric's painting pictures in my head, almost like watching a movie. This movie is entirely made from my imagination. Calming, out of body experience. Abstract thinkers, should be able to relate. Listening to an instrumental over and over, can almost hypnotize someone. The melody bouncing around in my mind like a pinball game, and I've beat the high score. No longer aware of what is reality but escaping and all I hear is an unwritten melody, with half steps and half notes.
I am a writer, though sometimes my mind spews stanza's out faster then my memory will allow to stay. I wish I could record my thoughts. How many masterpieces are being thrown away? How can I let it out, if forever it will stay...? I feel as if my creativity tugs the very laws of gravity, but all ends up falling down, masterpiece or not.
Words only kill in the hand of a practiced writer.
Do I write for freedom, or just a moment of escaping... Will it ever free me, cinematic memories will forever haunt me. All I can do it tell the story, hope you'll feel it, and move on to the next not so fairy-tale poem. But will you think it's all a facade? Sometimes I myself, hope I made this reality up. I must be warped.
They don't understand. They never do.
"She's crazy" he yells louder then ever imaginable. Maybe I am. So? What exactly is sanity? Define it and maybe I can find it.
Until then I'll practice telling tales,... For you to keep reading.
Don't trip next time I call you out,
then you can compare me to literary cassanova's such as yourself.
xo Mish Goddess
well said.