Internet Soldiers! Even though we have yet to be given the constantly delayed album, Joe Budden still finds a way to please fans with the forth installment in his highly praised Mood Muzik series. Mood Muzik 4: A Turn For The Worst gives us another twisted view into the mind that is Joey. I must admit I have been waiting for this since I heard it would be a bit lighter in topic content, I wondered how exactly he would do that and stay true to the theme of the mixtape series. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Mouse gives us just what most fans have been craving a solid project. How is it that Joe continues to shoot down haters from all sides? It's easy to see that he is driven by the constant need to prove himself and MM4 is no exception!
Production – 8
Joey’s achilles heel as far as I am concerned is his beat selection. There are times where he makes good on a project, but for the most part I don’t always like his choices. The good thing is, he could rap over elevator music and his words would take over. For Mood Muzik 4 he does a better job of picking beats, but I have to belittle this part of the tape, if anything. J. Cardim produced the majority of the tracks and surprisingly the two have great chemistry together, but it’s just a shame that he didn’t do the entire thing. A few times the beat just seems like something that gets in the way of Budden’s story and there is nothing worse then wanting to change the track just because of the annoying samples and weak drums. Even with that said, the tape still does a great job of giving listeners something they can bump and vibe out to while driving or just relaxing around the crib.
Lyrics – 9
Is it the Shoes? Hah… nah but in all seriousness, this is why one listens to this dude. His ability to paint a picture with words is like only a few in the game. I find myself having to listen a few times just so I can catch all the double meanings and similes that are thrown around. Ranging from topics that we can all relate to, Joey is just real and bares it all. This has become a staple for him as a rapper, when listing you get a sense that he’s giving you everything he has on every track in every line and that is comforting. Don’t get me wrong, there are those times where I think to myself, “what the fuck is wrong with dude and why can’t he rap about something happier.” I like how his content is a bit more uplifting then previous Mood Muzik installments, but he stays true to himself and his series. This isn’t your dumb down’d type rap shit, so if you don’t have at least a bit of intelligence this along with the majority of Mouse’s music isn't for you.
Songs – 8.5
I have to admit that besides Halfway House or MM2, this might be my favorite collection of songs that Joe put together. I like the lack of features, and could have even done without Royce on Remember the Titans. It was a good track without him and his flow doesn’t fit in for me. Crook kills on Sober Up, and has a song stealing verse. Role Reversal, Welcome Real Life and If All Else Fails are just some of my favorite tracks on the tape. Having said all that,Come Alone, 1000 Faces and Inseparable just didn’t do it for me. I know the latter two are good tracks and demonstrate just how personal Mouse can get on a track, but to me all these were fillers and a 14 song track list would have pushed this up a bit higher. Another standout part of the tape was Emanny, fans have grown familiar of the R&B singer song writer who I hope continues to work with Joe to create even more amazing music.
Overall – 8.5
Now before you Internet soldiers get all hot and bothered by the lack of slobbering, remember that this is just a mixtape and Joey still owes us The Great Escape As a fan of Hip Hop, I am constantly asking for new music and never satisfied. This mixtape has quality music and plays out better then most albums. Skits and all, not more can be asked for. If you have to nit pick again the only thing I could not get over were the beats. Some might say forget the beat his word play is so good it out weighs the production, however to be extremely honest isn’t that why Joe isn’t on a major now? Anyway, I look forward to seeing some visuals from this project, and to see when I finally take it would of my CD changer. To be a Joe Budden fan, one has to have an acquired taste, he's not for everyone, and if you're one of the lucky ones that it actually is your mood, it can not get any better.
Ur crazy about the Royce statement he killed JOE